Top Tips to Help You Write an Engaging Bio on TikTok

Whether you are an individual or group or have a brand page on TikTok, your bio is like a glimpse of what your handle is about

Top Tips to Help You Write an Engaging Bio on TikTok

When we discuss job interviews and resumes, there is always a point made about career objective or even resume in general. The HR goes through several resumes and they glance at each for less than a second, so there should be something catchy that makes them pause and take notice. This same process applies to social media bios as well.

A user may only take that second to quickly skim your account, and an interesting bio goes a long way in making them pause and scroll through your account. So, how do you write an engaging bio that makes your account visible to both the algorithm and the end user? This blog helps you figure out ways in which you can craft an exciting bio that gives you the leeway to reach more customers.

TikTok Bio - What can be included?

There are a few basic things you can include when it comes to TikTok bios. Here are a few details.

  • The bio is limited to 80 characters
  • Can link your website or blog
  • Can use emojis

Top Tips to Write an Exciting Bio

  • To begin with a good bio, you need a unique username and proper display name.
  • If you are an individual, take your creative liberty to the maximum extent to establish your personality. In case it is a brand, ensure you have a clear bio that explains your brand and products.
  • There is a character limit but try to keep it as crisp as possible even within those limitations. But this doesn’t mean you compromise on clarity.
  • TikTok is everything about engagement and colorful things. So, emojis in bios are a go-to that you must definitely include. However, instead of having a smiling emoji or a heart emoji, ensure you have something that establishes your personality or brand, It is here you can become as creative and visual as possible.
  • The profile pic is as important as the bio. A dull profile pic and an intriguing bio will still fail to impress the user.
  • Whether you are an individual or maintain a brand handle, have your website, bio, or any other link attached with a call to action if necessary.

For a brand

If you are a brand page, the TikTok bio is the space to establish your brand image. It is here your brand-building begins. So, here are a few additional ways to stand out.

  • You can use your brand’s tagline or slogan in your bio. Not only will this help you showcase your brand, but also make the bio automatically unique.
  • Since this is a brand page, you might need to include a call to action. Do you have a new Christmas offer going on? Do you need more visitors? Attach your link to the bio and have a call to action.
  • It is in the bio that you can establish your brand’s voice. Craft the words in a way that establishes the brand’s identity and personality.
  • Use your brand’s relevant hashtags in your bio. Do not overcrowd the space. Instead, you can use a hashtag that’s specific to your brand and that you want your followers to know of.
  • If you have a special deal or limited-time offer going, you can also highlight that in the bio.
  • Use emojis to make the space colorful and more creative. Are you a wellness brand or a tea brand, you can use yoga emojis or a tea emoji to make it color while establishing your brand connection.
  • Avoid any field-specific jargon or regular cliches.
  • Try not to have content similar to your competitors.

Additional Ideas

If you need more ideas to stand out among the millions of TikTok accounts, you can go beyond using emojis and texts to highlight your bio.

Text formatting

You can try to format your texts and use different, stylized font versions. Of course, you can’t do it directly on the app. But you can use third-party websites that let you find other fonts that you can use in your TikTok bio. - Search for TikTok font formats on Google/Safari and select a reliable website. - Choose from the different formats. - Type the content you need. - You can copy and paste the formatted text on the TikTok bio.

Line Breaks

Having the line break might seem like a tricky thing on the TikTok bio. But having that blank space makes your bio look neat and attractive. So, here is a trick. You can copy and paste the ?so-called empty symbol?. (There are many ways to get the line break, you can search for different ideas that may work for your phone).


Like emojis, symbols also help make the content look less text-y. Come to think of it, TikTok is a visual space. Using symbols and emojis more makes the bio stand out. Use arrows or stars to highlight your bio.

Optimizing TikTok Bio

Having a clear username and display name, with a relevant and right profile picture are the basics in optimizing your TikTok bio. These represent your personal or business brand and help in visibility. What is equally important is the text you include in the bio. You can search for relevant keywords and try to use them in your bio. But remember, it needs to be creative as well. Therefore, do not overfeed the bio with keywords or hashtags. Apart from call-to-action links, you can also connect TikTok with other platforms like your Instagram page or YouTube channel to help your followers explore more about your work.

Final Thoughts

The 80-character limit might still haunt you. However, you can easily crack the formula with the use of interesting emojis and symbols. Kindly ensure that your TikTok bio is unique and engaging, while also meeting the optimization requirements of CTAs, URL, word limit, and others.

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